15 setembro, 2009

Campos ocultos - Notes

Lista de campos ocultos do Notes. Os campos já existem, é só chamar o valor. Esses nomes são palavras reservadas.

Lista extensa mas vale a pena conferir.


Indicates that a mail memo was sent by a background agent, rather than through the regular client UI.

List of previous editors. Does not add new editor if same as last editor, but does if same as any other prior editor. Not changable because it's maintained by hard-coded elements of API. Only recorded on documents which have some type of Author control. Open edit documents don't track editors.

Creates the "Prevent copying/forward/printing" on any Notes document if set to "1". Note that this is not a security feature, since a user can copy the document to a local database, then reset the $KeepPrivate field through an agent.

Time/Date list history of all changes to a document. If you examine the Sequence Number attribute on any field, you can find that member of the $Revisions field, and determine the time of last edit for the field. This is the basis for the Notes field-level replication model, and it's one of the most ingenious solutions I've ever seen.

Container for private-key encrypted digest of signable fields on the document. This is what Notes uses to verify an electronic signature. If you remove the $Signature field on a signed document, Notes will report a corrupted signature. If you attempt to modify it in any way other than through the NotesDocument.Sign method, you'd better know RSA better than Ron himself!

Not entirely sure about the implementation on this one, but it's a container for TrueType font information in rich text fields. If you create a formatted memo, then blow away this field, you'll see reversions to the internal font types for Notes: Helv, TmsRmn, and Courier. Nasty!

Object pointer for file and OLE attachments

Control field for the "save changes as new document" flag on a form. Basically, no matter what you've set on the form, changing this attribute in the document will create the various form effects associated with the flag.

UNID of parent document in parent/child relationship Notes documents. Rendering a Computed for Display text field on a document with this formula will show a doclink to the parent. You can modify this value, but you'll usually have a hardtime re-aligning the "Response Reference List" flag. You can also insert a list, but unfortunately, that doesn't give the document multiple parents. The NotesDocument.MakeResponse method sets the $Ref

Controller for view renderings on Browser clients.

Here's a few others...

Set to "1", allows automatic merging of replication conflicts

Container for encrypted field data in a document

Mood stamp flag for Notes mail

$$HHFlags - When you deselect the "Print header and footer on first page" checkbox in the properties for the database, each document created from then on contains a $HHFlags field with a value of "1". This field tells Notes not to print the header and/or footer on the first page.

Any documents created while the checkbox is enabled do not contain the $HHFLags field.
Any documents created while the checkbox is not enabled do contain the $HHFLags field

$PaperColor - The background colour changes for numeric values of $PaperColor between 1 and 239.

$Conflict - Determines if there is a save conflict with the document.

$V2AttachmentOptions. This is a special field that tells Notes not to display attachment icons on the web and in the notes client. Give this field a value of "0" (zero) to not display attachment icons. For more information click here.

If you don't use the "For Web Access: Treat document contents as HTML" form property, adding a $$HTMLHead field to a form allows you to pass HTML information, such as Meta tags and JavaScript, to the Head tag for a document. The field can be any data type, but a hidden computed-for-display text field is the best choice.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

$$QueryOpenAgent (4.6) or the form event WebQueryOpen (4.6)
The Notes Help 4.6 says about WebQueryOpen: A WebQueryOpen event runs the agent before Domino converts a document to HTML and sends it to the browser. Domino ignores any output produced by the agent in this context.
Create a shared agent that runs manually. Then write a formula that uses @Command({ToolsRunMacro}) to run the agent and attach it to the WebQueryOpen form events. This simulates the LotusScript QueryOpen form event that isn't supported on the Web.
The $$QueryOpenAgent field works in the same way. Works also in 4.6.

$$QuerySaveAgent (4.5) or the form event WebQuerySave (4.6)
The Notes Help 4.6 says about WebQuerySave: A WebQuerySave event runs the agent before the document is actually saved to disk. The agent can modify the document or use the document data to perform other operations.
Create a shared agent that runs manually. Then write a formula that uses @Command({ToolsRunMacro}) to run the agent and attach it to the WebQuerySave form events. This simulates the LotusScript QuerySave form event that isn't supported on the Web.
The $$QuerySaveAgent field works in the same way. Works also in 4.6.

After Web users submit a document, Domino responds with the default confirmation "Form processed." To override the default response, add a computed text field to the form, name it $$Return, and use HTML as the computed value to create a customized confirmation.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

Value is view name (in quotes) or a formula that computes the view name. Same as Embedded View.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)
This is the field you put in a form to display a view. See also the list of $$ forms below.

Has no value. Same as Embedded Folder Pane.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)
This is the field you put in a form to display the list of available views and folders. See also the list of $$ forms below.

$$NavigatorBody, $$NavigatorBody_n
Value is navigator name (in quotes) or a formula that computes the navigator name.
Same as Embedded Navigator. To create multiple $$NavigatorBody fields on a form, append an underscore and a character to each subsequent field name.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)
This is the field you put in a form to display a navigator. See also the list of $$ forms below.

The following fields are no $$ fields, but they are reserved names in a Web context.

Table of CGI variables from the Notes Help 4.6

Domino captures the following CGI variables through a field or a LotusScript agent. You can also capture any CGI variable preceded by HTTP or HTTPS. For example, cookies are sent to the server by the browser as HTTP_Cookie.

If the server supports user authentication and the script is protected, this is the protocol-specific authentication method used to validate the user.

The length of the content, as given by the client.

For queries that have attached information, such as HTTP POST and PUT, this is the content type of the data.

The version of the CGI spec with which the server complies.

The MIME types that the client accepts, as specified by HTTP headers.

The URL of the page the user used to get here.

Indicates if SSL mode is enabled for the server.

The browser that the client is using to send the request.

The extra path information (from the server's root HMTL directory), as given by the client. In other words, scripts can be accessed by their virtual path name, followed by extra information that is sent as PATH_INFO.

The server provides a translated version of PATH_INFO, which takes the path and does any virtual-to-physical mapping to it.

The information that follows the ? in the URL that referenced this script.

The IP address of the remote host making the request.

The name of the host making the request.

This variable will be set to the remote user name retrieved from the server. Use this variable only for logging.

Authentication method that returns the authenticated user name.

The method used to make the request. For HTTP, this is "GET," "HEAD," "POST," and so on.

A virtual path to the script being executed, used for self-referencing URLs.

The server's host name, DNS alias, or IP address as it would appear in self-referencing URLs.

The name and revision of the information protocol accompanying this request.

The port to which the request was sent.

The name and version of the information server software running the CGI program.

The version of the CGI spec with which the server complies.

Associated with a lot of the $$ fields are the following forms:

$$ViewTemplate for viewname
Requires a embedded view or $$ViewBody field
Associates the form with a specific view. The form name includes viewname, which is the alias for the view or when no alias exists, the name of the view. For example, the form named "$$ViewTemplate for By Author" associates the form with the By Author view.
Domino requires an Embedded View or the $$ViewBody field on the form, but ignores the value.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

$$NavigatorTemplate for navigatorname
Requires a embedded navigator or $$NavigatorBody field.
Associates the form with a specific navigator. The form name includes navigatorname, which is the navigator name. For example, the form named "$$NavigatorTemplate for World Map" associates the form with the World Map navigator.
Domino requires an embedded navigator or the $$NavigatorBody field on the form, but ignores the value. Domino ignores create and read access lists on the form.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

Requires a embedded view or $$ViewBody field.
Makes this form the template for all Web views that aren't associated with another form.
Domino requires an embedded view or the $$ViewBody field on the form, but ignores the value.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

Requires a embedded navigator or $$NavigatorBody field.
Makes this form the template for all Web navigators that aren't associated with another form.
Domino requires an embedded navigator or the $$NavigatorBody field on the form, but ignores the value.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

$$SearchTemplate for viewname
Associates the form with a specific view. Domino requires the $$ViewBody field, but ignores the value. The form name includes viewname, which is the alias for the view, or, when no alias exists, the name of the view. For example, the form named "$$SearchTemplate for All Documents" associates the form with the All Documents view.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

Domino requires the $$ViewBody field, but ignores the value. This form is the default for all Web searches that aren't associated with a specific form.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

In a site search this form is used in stead of $$SearchTemplateDefault
(source: posting by Andrew S Grant on Notes.Net)

When a user initiates a text search from the Web, Domino looks in the current database or in the search site database in a multiple-database search for a form with the actual name or the alias name $$Search. If the form exists, Domino opens it; otherwise, Domino displays the default search.htm file stored in the dominoicons directory.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

And another set of very useful forms (i didn't even know they exsisted until a few moments before):

Displays to Web users when the user successfully deletes documents. Create an editable text field named MessageString to hold the error message.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

Displays to Web users when the user's name and password can't be verified. Create an editable text field named MessageString to hold the error message.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

Displays to Web users when the user doesn't have a high enough access level to access the database. Create an editable text field named MessageString to hold the error message.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)

Displays to Web users when any other errors occur.. Create an editable text field named MessageString to hold the error message.
(source: Notes Help 4.6)


Is a role which is applied to all Web clients. This role can be very useful in hiding formulas. To check if a client is Web client use @IsMember("WebClient"; @UserRoles).


Reserved names for embedded elements
$$ViewBody -- Contains an embedded view
$$ViewList -- Contains an embedded folder pane
$$NavigatorBody -- Contains an embedded navigator
$GroupScheduleRefreshMode -- Contains a value for refreshing an embedded group scheduling control
$GroupScheduleShowLegend -- Valid values for it are 0 and 1. 0 means that the color legend should not display, and 1 means that it should. The default is 1.

Reserved fields for use in billing applications
$ChargeRead -- Creates a billing record when a user opens a document that contains this field
$ChargeWrite -- Creates a billing record when a user creates, copies, edits, or saves a document that contains this field

Reserved fields for general use
Categories -- Categorizes documents
$VersionOpt -- Controls version tracking for documents
FolderOptions -- Puts new documents in folders
SecretEncryptionKeys -- Encrypts documents with secret, rather than public, encryption keys
HTML -- Passes HTML directly to the server
$$HTMLHead -- Passes HTML information to be hosted within the tag for a document. The passed information might be meta data (using a tag) or JavaScript code (using a tag) or CSS information (using a tag).
$$Return -- After Web users submit a document, Domino responds with the default confirmation "Form processed." To override the default response, add a computed text field to the form, name it $$Return, and use HTML as the computed value to create a customized confirmation.

Internal fields on forms
$Title -- When a form is stored in a document, the form name is stored in this internal field. To use a different form to display the document, create an agent that deletes this stored form information and designates another form to display the document.

View or Navigator templates
$$ViewTemplate for viewname -- Embedded view or $$ViewBody field -- Associates the form with a specific view. The form name includes viewname, which is the alias for the view or when no alias exists, the name of the view.
$$NavigatorTemplate for navigatorname -- Embedded navigator or $$NavigatorBody field -- Associates the form with a specific navigator. The form name includes navigatorname, which is the navigator name. For example, the form named "$$NavigatorTemplate for World Map" associates the form with the World Map navigator.Domino ignores create and read access lists on the form.
$$ViewTemplateDefault -- Embedded view or $$ViewBody field -- Makes this form the template for all Web views that aren't associated with another form.
$$NavigatorTemplateDefault -- Embedded navigator or $$NavigatorBody field -- Makes this form the template for all Web navigators that aren't associated with another form.

Forms to specify as a custom error message
$$ReturnAuthenticationFailure -- The user's name and password cannot be verified.
$$ReturnAuthorizationFailure -- The user does not have a sufficient access level for the database.
$$ReturnDocumentDeleted -- A document was successfully deleted.
$$ReturnGeneralError -- Any other error condition has occurred.

Fields to display document properties
$File -- shows an entry for each attachment in the document.
$Links -- shows an entry for each link in the document.
$Readers -- lists authorized readers if the document contains a read access list.
$Revisions -- lists the date and time of each editing session since the first time the document was saved.
$Title, $Info, $WindowTitle, $Body, and $Actions -- are associated with a form that is stored in the document.
$UpdatedBy -- lists the document authors and editors. Anonymous forms don't have this field.
Form -- indicates the name of the form used to create the document or the name of the form most recently used to save the document. Use the form in views to select documents created with the form.
PostedDate -- indicates that a document has been mailed and shows the time and date it was mailed.

Fields in SearchResults form
Optional arguments -- Description -- Default Value
Query -- The search string -- none
SearchMax -- Maximum number of entries to return in total; 0 = no limit -- none
SearchWv -- Include word variants: TRUE or 1 or FALSE or 0 -- FALSE
SearchOrder -- 1 = by relevance2 = by date ascending3 = by date descending -- 1
SearchThesaurus -- Use thesaurus synonyms: TRUE or 1 or FALSE or 0(This option is ignored by the R5 search engine) -- FALSE
SearchFuzzy -- Use fuzzy search: TRUE or 1 or FALSE or 0 -- FALSE
SearchEntry -- Name of form to use for each result entry -- "ResultEntry"
Start -- Start document for paged results; 0 = unpaged -- 0
Count -- Number to return for paged results; 0 = unpaged -- 0
Scope -- Scope of search: 1 = notes databases only; 2 = filesystem only; 0 = both -- 0

Table of fields that control mailing options
Reserved Field name -- Values -- Comments
BlindCopyTo -- The name(s) of a person, group, or mail-in database.
CopyTo -- The name(s) of a person, group, or mail-in database.
DeliveryPriority -- L, N, H -- Values correspond to: Low, normal, or high-priority.
DeliveryReport -- 1,0 -- Use 1 to return a report when mail is delivered to recipient
Encrypt -- 1, 0 -- Use 1 to encrypt mailed documents.
MailFormat -- B, E, M, T -- Enables cc:Mail users to view Notes documents in a variety of predefined formats: B = both text and encapsulated. E = encapsulated in a Notes database, which is attached to the cc:Mail memo.M = mail. Body field of document is text and pasted into cc:Mail memo.T = text. Contents of the document are rendered as text and pasted into the body of the cc:Mail memo.
MailOptions -- 1, 0 -- Use 1 for automatic mailing.
ReturnReceipt -- 1, 0 -- Use 1 to send a receipt when document is opened by the recipient.
SaveOptions -- 1, 0 -- Use 1 to save mailed documents. Use 0 to prevent save when the form is submitted in any context.
SendTo -- The name(s) of a person, group, or mail-in database. -- Required for all forms that mail documents.
Sign -- 1, 0 -- Use 1 to an add electronic signature to fields. (Only applicable if a form also contains sign-enabled fields.)

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